
Tuesday 18 September 2012

I'm back!

Ok, so the whole weekly blog post thing fell by the way side a little bit... That's what comes of trying to be superwoman, I guess. So, here goes the update for the last few weeks.

I am now, for the first time in 2012, under 15 stone! woo! Only just mind, but it's still progress. I've still got about 4st to go before I reach my target, but I'm confident that if I stick at it with the lifestyle change, I'll get there by about February/March time next year.

I am following a (fairly) strict diet which rules out all gluten, dairy and legumes. Seriously, this is a monster of a diet, it's really hard to stick to! BUT, I feel better for it, I've already lost a decent amount of weight (about 4lb in 2 weeks), and I've noticed that I'm getting less IBS type problems too. Further evidenced by how bad I felt on Monday after a weekend of ignoring the diet while the bff came to stay... So now I'm back on the wagon, and I'm convinced that I'll turn into a banana or a bowl of salad before long, but I do feel really, really good.

The exercise bit is pretty much on hold until I get paid in about 10 days time, so that I can renew my gym membership, but I am trying to stay relatively active, walking instead of driving whenever it's feasible to, and trying to get into the habit of doing a few sit-ups every evening to try and tackle the muffin-top... I've even found that I'm starting to be able to fit back into jeans that I haven't been able to wear since Christmas. It's great, I feel so pleased with myself!

I don't know whether it's the diet and exercise, changing some of my meds, a combination of both, or a complete and utter coincidence, but my MS symptoms seem to have calmed down for the moment too. My legs have decided against their jelly-related career change, and my skeleton has turned back to bone instead of being lead. And this is all in spite of considerable uni and volunteering based stress! Here's hoping that the improvements continue...

I'll leave it at that for now, and set a reminder on my phone for about this time next week... over and out!

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