
Friday 19 April 2013

The Saga Continues - Sand and Water, Baby (post 4)

Date: December 2009 - January 2010
Age: 20

At the beginning of December, about a week after my flu vaccination (the normal one, this time), I leave my hotel job in order to take up a position in a call centre, with far less difficult hours, and no lifting-and-shifting involved. In the middle of the month, I go for my interview at Cambridge. Around about the same time, I get more numbness. This time from about the waist down. It feels like I'm wearing buckets full of sand for shoes. It also feels *really* weird when I pee....

Later, I go back to the neurologist. Thankfully, my neurologist is back this time. The numbness is pretty much gone by the time I see him, but I explain to him what happened a few months before, and the locum's clear misunderstanding of what I was trying to explain was the problem. He dismisses her comments, and says that he thinks that this is probably the next relapse, and that i should go for another MRI scan, to confirm whether there has been a significant increase in my lesion-load.

At the end of January, I have my MRI scan. I'm quite perturbed by this as, rather than the cushy private clinic that they got me into last time, this MRI machine is in a lorry trailer outside the back of the hospital. It is *freezing* cold, and the radiographer who does the scan is incredibly rude. She gives me headphones so I can listen to music instead of the loud noise of the machine. I'm not quite sure what she does wrong with the music, but there is nothing for a while, and then all of a sudden this loud jazz number bursts through, making me jump, so she has to start the scan again. I go home, and prepare myself for another long wait...

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