Sleep... it's something most people take for granted. For me, it's a living nightmare.
Well, I say that; sometimes, it's a living nightmare, other times I just can't seem to get enough of it. Which is just as annoying.
Imagine this: it is 10pm, you are shattered, you have just taken your nightime medicaton, which makes you even sleepier. But you can't sleep.
Now it's 11am, and you're just waking up after having finally fallen asleep around 11-12ish. You had one hundred and one things to do in the morning, but now you can't do any of them, because you slept through all 3 of your incredibly noisy, annoying alarms. Bugger.
This is my life at the moment, and as much as most people would love to be able to sleep that long, it actually really annoys me, because I don't like being lazy. I like to be up and doing things, but all I seem to be able to do is sleep. So much for getting a job...